Alt Text


  • Images, photos, and graphics are unusable by screen reading programs unless they are assigned alternative text.


  • Incorrect code

    <img src="students.jpg">
  • Correct code

    <img src="students.jpg" alt="students discussing an assignment">

WCAG Success Criteria

WCAG Sufficient Techniques

Testing Method

  • Install the WAVE toolbar for Firefox
  • Open Firefox
  • On the WAVE toolbar, click on 'Errors, Features, and Alerts'
  • This will perform a quick accessibility check of the page. Problems are highlighted in red. Things needing manual checking are shown as a question mark.
  • Are there any images missing alt text?
  • Tip: Click on 'Reset Page' to remove the errors and alerts
  • Tip: If the an error is being reported but there is no red flag, try clicking on 'Disable Styles'
  • Tip: Try making changes to the code with Firebug and then retesting the page

Practical Exercise