Writing Tips

  1. Separate the drafting phase from the editing phase

    The writing process involves a number of steps including analysis, planning, researching, drafting, editing and proofreading.

    Sometimes you just want to let your ideas flow and not worry too much about errors. Other times you want to refine your text and remove errors. But it can be hard to do both at the same time.

    Try separating drafting from editing, by:

    • Using different tools. You might draft in a text editor like Notepad and then edit in Word. Alternatively, you might draft in Word and then use a separate app for checking grammar.
    • Using different modes of input. You could try dictating your first draft, using text to speech software and then use a grammar app to review what you have written.
    • Setting aside specific times for checking grammar and spelling. You might draft for 30 minutes and then edit. Or you might draft in the morning, when your mind is fresh, and edit later on in the day.
    • Changing your physical location.
    • Seeing how others approach the task of writing. For example, Separate your writing from your editing.
  2. Reduce distractions

    Learn how to turn grammar highlighting on and off. This will allow you to remove distractions and allow you to edit grammar when it is convenient for you.

    Screenshot of Grammarly underlines to problematic text
    Using multiple spelling and grammar tools can create a lot of visual noise.
  3. Use one grammar checker at a time

    Find the grammar checker that helps you the most and stick to that, rather than having multiple grammar checkers running at the same time.

  4. Work out what is effective for you.

    Each grammar tool has a different set of features, but what do you really need?

    • Does it work with your favorite programs such as Word and Google docs?
    • Does it highlight the things that you have problems with?
    • Does it offer helpful explanations?
    • Does it use underlines or colored highlighting? Which do you prefer?
    • Can you turn features on and off?
    • Does it have a free version or do you have to pay?
  5. Do your own testing

    Create a blank document and paste in example phrases that you have difficulty with. Add phrases that other people have corrected you on.

    Copy and paste this text into various grammar checkers. Which one picks up your errors?

  6. Schedule time to try new things

    Set aside time to try new ways of drafting and editing.

  7. Be patient

    Everyone is different and it takes time to work out what is effective for you.