Policy and Politics

Advancing intersectoral collaboration and policy responses to complex climate and health issues.


We seek to map, understand, and inform the policy landscape in Australia and the region as it pertains to climate and health.  We explore the political barriers and enablers to climate and health policies, and identify solutions that can bridge the ideological divide.

Our goal is to successfully operationalise a Health in All Policies approach to climate policy development, breaking down departmental silos and navigating competing agendas and interests.


Belle Workman – Research Fellow, Melbourne Climate Futures and Melbourne School of Population & Global Health, MDHS

  • Belle is a social scientist who has investigated the integration of health outcomes in climate change mitigation policy development and implementation. She has worked extensively with policy makers in Australia and internationally to understand the barriers to the consideration of health in cross-sectoral climate pathways and opportunities to develop healthier climate policies.

Hannah Morrice - Research Fellow, Disasters, Climate and Adversity Unit, Melbourne School of Population and Global Health, MDHS

  • Hannah is a multi-disciplinary public health researcher with over 10 years of experience working with communities, children and end-users to understand complex public health challenges. She holds a Master of Environmental Law and is passionate about understanding how climate and health intersect and how to maximise research impact by building partnerships and trust with decision-makers and stakeholders.