Climate Research Accelerator (CRX) projects

Kate Dooley - Project Lead

Closing the Land Gap via Ecosystem Approaches

Assessing the gap between the expected contribution and land and natural ecosystems to climate goals, and the land available, going beyond a sole mitigation focus.

Suzie Fraser - Project Lead

Creativity and Climate Futures: Establishing a Creativity, Ecology and Community Resilience Studio (CECR) at Dookie

Supporting community adaptation to climate change by establishing a CECR Studio at Dookie.

Colin Gallagher - Project Lead

Investigating post‐disaster community resilience through network analysis

Refining and applying social network methods to analysis of post-community resilience following disasters.

Julia Hurst and Carla Pascoe Leahy - Project Leads

Mothering in crisis: Family, disaster and climate change

Focusing on how the climate crisis is shaping women’s experiences around reproductive decision-making and childrearing practices.

Rodney Keenan - Project Lead

Scaling Regenerative Agriculture

Testing an innovative investment framework to scale up investment in regenerative agriculture to respond to climate change.

Marcia McKenzie - Project Lead

Climate Change Policy and Planning in School Education in Victoria

To advance an Australian component of an international project on climate change communication and education.

Phoebe Quinn and Katitza Marinkovic Chavez - Project Leads

Young People’s Climate Change Capitals

Developing resources for and with young people to help foster a sense of agency and empowerment in navigating the climate crisis.

Rebecca Runting - Project Lead

Downscaling hydroclimate projections to advance integrated land-sea planning

downscaling climate data to minimise land-born threats to marine protected areas, and maximise conservation objectives.