Transport and Logistics

Centre for Disaster Management and Public Safety

Increasing the resilience of transport networks and enhance post-disaster humanitarian logistics practices by developing improved decision support systems


To increase the resilience of transport networks and enhance post disaster humanitarian logistics practices by developing improved decision support systems for transport infrastructure planners and managers as well as emergency responders.


To reduce the impacts on transport systems from natural disasters, protect transport infrastructure, and reduce human suffering.


  • A calibrated a multimodal multiclass transport model for the City of Melbourne with over 3000 zones
  • Possession of a number of leading softwares related to transport and optimisation such as VISUM, EMME4, Vissim, GAMS,
  • Ability to provide expert consultation in matters related to transport planning, disaster management, intelligent transportation systems, travel demand forecasting, and large scale optimisation


  • Publications across highly prestigious journals such as Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering and Transportation Research
  • Identification of some of the most vulnerable roads of the city of Melbourne in preparation for disasters
  • Integration of Melbourne’s transport model into a GIS based disaster decision-making platform (IDDSS)
  • Development of decision kits in disaster management operations

Unit leads