Information for students

What are the Student Learning Surveys (SLS)?

The SLS play an important role in the University’s quality improvement processes for teaching and subject development.

The SLS consists of two elements:

  • A mid subject survey (MSS) - the use of an MSS is at the Subject Coordinator's discretion. The point of an MSS is to gauge the student experience of learning in a subject during the subject at an early enough point to inform subject coordinators and for them to take any action as may be required or beneficial
  • An end of subject survey (ESS) - the ESS is deployed as a subject comes to a close. For a full semester subject, an ESS is open for 3 weeks over weeks 11 and 12 and SwotVac. All responses to the ESS are anonymous, and results are not released to staff until final exams are marked for the subject. You may also be offered shorter period ESS for intensive subjects that match this pattern but are adapted to suit the shorter nature of those subjects, and at a time commensurate with the ending of that subject and before its final assessment activity.