End of subject surveys (ESS)

An ESS is required for each subject offering.

Does your subject require surveying with the ESS?

Your subject should be surveyed with the ESS:

  • Whether it is an undergraduate or a graduate subject
  • Whether it is a semester-length subject or an intensive subject
  • Towards the end of teaching, each time the subject is taught.

If there are fewer than four enrolments, your subject will be exempt.

Refer to: MPF1327: Courses, Subjects, Awards and Program Policy

Teaching and department staff involvement in the surveying process

The following steps summarise the main areas of staff involvement in the SLS. Time lines for these tasks may vary within faculties: contact your faculty SLS representative for more information.

  1. Confirm your subject's surveying dates and requirements with your Faculty SLS representative

    Your faculty maintains a 'survey schedule', containing details of subjects which require surveying, and the dates on which they are to be surveyed. For standard Semester 1 and Semester 2 subjects, surveys are typically conducted in weeks 11, 12 and SwotVac, however these dates are affected by factors such as teaching and assessment dates. Department and teaching staff may be asked to submit information about their subjects' surveying requirements, and it is important that these details are scheduled well before your survey is due to open.

    Refer to the SLS policy and procedures for specific details about when surveys should be conducted.

  2. Promote the SLS to students during (and in the lead up to) the survey period

    Teaching and department staff play a critical role in encouraging students to complete the SLS. Visit the survey promotion page for SLS promo posters to help you promote the SLS to your students.

    In addition to your endorsement of the survey to your own students, widespread survey promotion is conducted during standard survey periods (weeks 11, 12 and SwotVac), so faculties are encouraged to survey in this period wherever appropriate.

  3. Optional: Schedule class time for students to complete the SLS

    Teaching staff may choose to provide students with the opportunity to complete the SLS in class. Provision of this option may have a positive effect on response rates, while still allowing students the flexibility to give feedback in their own time if they prefer.

  4. Receive and review survey results, and act upon feedback as appropriate

    ESS survey results are available to faculties after surveys close, and once subject results have been released to students, these results can be made available to teaching staff according to faculty processes, and in line with SLS policy and procedures.

    MSS surveying is at the discretion of the Subject Coordinator including the collection and curation of results.

  5. Communicate survey feedback to students

    An important part of the surveying cycle is to ensure students are given feedback on survey outcomes, and actions taken as a result of survey outcomes. Departments should implement processes to ensure students receive feedback about the outcomes of the SLS  in their subjects, and guidelines on providing feedback to students state that this should be done via the LMS. Visit the survey results page for more information on how to provide feedback to students.

For specific questions about administration of the SLS in your faculty, contact your faculty SLS representative.