Ask Alumni

Unlock the power of your alumni community.

Join today to make lifechanging connections and career conversations more accessible than ever before.

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The University’s flexible Ask Alumni platform is a space where you can provide guidance or seek support through one-off career conversations.

With thousands of University of Melbourne alumni worldwide and a network of our current students onboard, Ask Alumni lets you share your professional experience with others, seek career advice or do both – it’s up to you.

Seek support

Grow your network

Get insights from leaders in your industry

Explore new career possibilities

Provide guidance

Share your knowledge and expertise

Develop your coaching skills

Empower the leaders of the future

How does it work?

  1. Join our Ask Alumni platform with your personal email address.
  2. Complete the  registration form with your basic details and some information to help you find the right match for your next career conversation. We will notify you when your registration is accepted.
  3. Login to the platform to  set your availability and detail other preferences – you can decide how to make the platform work best for you!
  4. If you’re seeking support, you can start browsing alumni profiles right away. The handy search tool can help you find the perfect match.
  5. If you want to provide guidance to others, simply sit back and wait for a connection request to come through.

Alumni testimonials

The alum I connected with was genuine and attentive, keen to help and with a very welcoming attitude. I'm really appreciative of his outlook and supportive advice. Dean

Learn more about Ask Alumni

Dean Elliott
Georgina - mentor
It's nice to dig back into my memories of university and think about what I’ve learnt and how I got my first job – and then pass on some of those little stories, which can go a long way. Georgina

Read Georgina's story

Unlock the power of your alumni community.

Join today to make lifechanging connections and career conversations more accessible than ever before.

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