Image of Melbourne city scape

The Retrofit Lab

Supporting Integrated Urban Retrofitting of Buildings, Infrastructure, and Landscapes

Buildings Infrastructure and Landscapes symbols on short square pillars, connected by hovering green line

The Retrofit Lab is a Research and Innovation Laboratory activating the transition of Australia's buildings, infrastructure and landscapes for resilient, healthy, and sustainable cities.

The cities of 2050 have already been built. Urgent action to retrofit existing built assets is needed if Australia is to meet its carbon targets and develop resilience against ongoing climate, biodiversity and public health risks. A major challenge is that the property and construction sectors are geared towards building new assets and not retrofitting existing buildings, infrastructure, and urban landscapes. These sectors lack the skills, coordination, and motivation to develop resilient buildings for a post-carbon world.

Partner with The Retrofit Lab

The Retrofit Lab is currently looking for connections with industry, government and research disciplines to partner and collaborate with to support specific research projects.

There are a range of opportunities for significant in-kind co-investment from partners through access to retrofit demonstration projects, with specific focus on the Melbourne innovation precinct.

Partner with us