Research into climate change

Bent palm tree in the sea
Palm tree, Fongafale, Tuvalu

Research overview

Researchers at the University of Melbourne are working to understand how the climate is Oceania is changing, and how islands, cities, people and villages can adapt to avoid climate impacts.

See also the School of Geography, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Melbourne Climate Action Scholarships and Melbourne Climate Futures

Projects we're involved with

  • Future Islands: Catalysing Solutions To Climate Change In Low-Lying Islands

    This project aims to create new knowledge about successful adaptation to climate change on low-lying islands. There is a poor understanding of how communities in low-lying islands can adapt to climate change. This project seeks to provide evidence about adaptation practices to sustain island communities through a changing climate.

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  • Pacific Resilience in a Warming, Urban World: Planning Adaptation Pathways for Informal Cities
  • Sea-Level Rise and Everyday Lives in Small Island States

    This project aims to advance understanding of the impacts of sea-level rise and associated policy responses on the everyday lives of island communities. Focusing on village relocation in Fiji and fortification and land reclamation in the Maldives, the project will analyse people's changing everyday experiences and practices.

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  • Sustainable Agricultural Intensification Systems for Climate Resilient Development in Pacific Island Countries
  • Transformative Human Mobilities in a Changing Climate

    This project aims to investigate the potential for diverse forms of human mobility, particularly relocation and migration, with climate change adaptation across the Pacific Islands region.

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Our partners

Our people

Profile picture of Bateteba Aselu

Bateteba Aselu

Graduate researcher
Profile picture of Autumn Bordner

Autumn Bordner

Graduate researcher
Profile picture of Dylan Asafo

Dylan Asafo

Graduate researcher
Profile picture of Jo Chandler

Ms Jo Chandler

Senior Lecturer in Journalism Caj
Profile picture of Lau Dr. Viliamu Iese (Vili)

Lau Dr. Viliamu Iese (Vili)

SNR Rf/Prin Rf& A. Dir (Drought Resilience & Climate)
Profile picture of Sergio Jarillo de la Torre

Dr Sergio Jarillo de la Torre

Research Fellow (Climate Change A.p - Communities) +61383440308
Profile picture of Celia McMichael

Prof Celia McMichael

Head of School, School of Geography, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences +61383446704
Profile picture of Tearinaki Tanielu

Tearinaki Tanielu

Graduate researcher
Profile picture of Jason Titifanue

Jason Titifanue

Graduate researcher
Profile picture of Alexei Trundle

Dr Alexei Trundle

Melbourne Postdoctoral Research Fellow +61390354432

Recent publications

Our researchers contribute to a large range of publicly-accessible publications.

  • See all recent publications

    Asafo, D., 2021. The Racism in Climate Change Law: Critiquing the Law on Climate Change-Related Displacement with Critical Race Theory. Berkeley J. Int'l L., 39, p.249. Link

    Baker, C.M., Campbell, P.T., Chades, I., Dean, A.J., Hester, S.M., Holden, M.H., McCaw, J.M., McVernon, J., Moss, R., Shearer, F.M. and Possingham, H.P., 2022. From climate change to pandemics: decision science can help scientists have impact. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 10. Link

    Barnett, J., Jarillo, S., Swearer, S.E., Lovelock, C.E., Pomeroy, A., Konlechner, T., Waters, E., Morris, R.L. and Lowe, R., 2022. Nature-based solutions for atoll habitability. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, 377(1854), p.20210124. Link

    Bird, Z., Iese, V., Des Combes, H.J., Wairiu, M. and Yuen, L.B., 2022. Assessing the impacts of climate change on domestic crop production: Experience and perception of local farmers in North Malaita, Solomon Islands. Link

    Bird, Z., Wairiu, M., Combes, H.J.D. and Iese, V., 2021. Religious and cultural-spiritual attributions of climate-driven changes on food production: a case study from North Malaita, Solomon Islands. Beyond Belief: Opportunities for Faith-Engaged Approaches to Climate-Change Adaptation in the Pacific Islands, pp.39-56. Link

    Bordner, A., Barnett, J. and Waters, E. 2023. The Human Right to Climate Adaptation. npj Climate Action 2, 43:

    Bordner, A.S., Ferguson, C.E. and Ortolano, L., 2020. Colonial dynamics limit climate adaptation in Oceania: Perspectives from the Marshall Islands. Global Environmental Change, 61, p.102054. Link

    Brown, J.R., Lengaigne, M., Lintner, B.R., Widlansky, M.J., van Der Wiel, K., Dutheil, C., Linsley, B.K., Matthews, A.J. and Renwick, J., 2020. South Pacific Convergence Zone dynamics, variability and impacts in a changing climate. Nature Reviews Earth & Environment, 1(10), pp.530-543. Link

    Cai, W., Santoso, A., Collins, M., Dewitte, B., Karamperidou, C., Kug, J.S., Lengaigne, M., McPhaden, M.J., Stuecker, M.F., Taschetto, A.S. and Timmermann, A., 2021. Changing El Niño–Southern oscillation in a warming climate. Nature Reviews Earth & Environment, 2(9), pp.628-644. Link

    Dun, O., Klocker, N., Farbotko, C. and McMichael, C., 2023. Climate change adaptation in agriculture: Learning from an international labour mobility programme in Australia and the Pacific Islands region. Environmental Science & Policy, 139, pp.250-273. Link

    Farbotko, C., Boas, I., Dahm, R., Kitara, T., Lusama, T. and Tanielu, T., 2023. Reclaiming open climate adaptation futures. Nature Climate Change, 13(8), pp.750-751. Link

    Frere, T., Mulalap, C.Y. and Tanielu, T., 2020. Climate change and challenges to self-determination: case studies from French Polynesia and the Republic of Kiribati. Yale Law J, 129, pp.648-673. Link

    Gibson, K.E., Barnett, J., Haslam, N. and Kaplan, I., 2020. The mental health impacts of climate change: Findings from a Pacific Island atoll nation. Journal of anxiety disorders, 73, p.102237. Link

    Iese, V., Kiem, A.S., Mariner, A., Malsale, P., Tofaeono, T., Kirono, D.G., Round, V., Heady, C., Tigona, R., Veisa, F. and Posanau, K., 2021. Historical and future drought impacts in the Pacific islands and atolls. Climatic Change, 166(1-2), p.19. Link

    Iese, V., Halavatau, S., N’Yeurt, A.D.R., Wairiu, M., Holland, E., Dean, A., Veisa, F., Patolo, S., Havea, R., Bosenaqali, S. and Navunicagi, O., 2020. Agriculture under a changing climate. Climate change and impacts in the Pacific, pp.323-357. Link

    Jarillo, S. and Barnett, J., 2022. Repositioning the (Is) land: climate change adaptation and the atoll assemblage. Antipode, 54(3), pp.848-872. Link

    Jarillo, S. and Barnett, J., 2021. Contingent communality and community-based adaptation to climate change: Insights from a Pacific rural atoll. Journal of Rural Studies, 87, pp.137-145. Link

    McEvoy, D., Tara, A., Vahanvati, M., Ho, S., Gordon, K., Trundle, A., Rachman, C. and Qomariyah, Y., 2023. Localized nature-based solutions for enhanced climate resilience and community wellbeing in urban informal settlements. Climate and Development, pp.1-13. Link

    McMichael, C., Schwerdtle, P.N. and Ayeb-Karlsson, S., 2023. Waiting for the wave, but missing the tide: Case studies of climate-related (im) mobility and health. Journal of Migration and Health, 7, p.100147. Link

    McMichael, C. and Katonivualiku, M., 2020. Thick temporalities of planned relocation in Fiji. Geoforum, 108, pp.286-294. Link

    Mortreux, C., Jarillo, S., Barnett, J. and Waters, E., 2023. Climate change and migration from atolls? No evidence yet. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 60, p.101234. Link

    Narsey, S., Brown, J.R., Delage, F., Boschat, G., Grose, M., Colman, R. and Power, S., 2022. Storylines of South Pacific Convergence Zone changes in a warmer world. Journal of Climate, 35(20), pp.6549-6567. Link

    Nunn, P.D., McLean, R., Dean, A., Fong, T., Iese, V., Katonivualiku, M., Klöck, C., Korovulavula, I., Kumar, R. and Tabe, T., 2020. Adaptation to climate change: contemporary challenges and perspectives. Climate change and impacts in the Pacific, pp.499-524. Link

    Pascoe, S., Dressler, W. and Minnegal, M., 2021. Storytelling climate change–Causality and temporality in the REDD+ regime in Papua New Guinea. Geoforum, 124, pp.360-370. Link

    Piggott-McKellar, A.E. and McMichael, C., 2021. The immobility-relocation continuum: Diverse responses to coastal change in a small island state. Environmental Science & Policy, 125, pp.105-115. Link

    Thornton, F., McNamara, K., Dun, O., Farbotko, C., McMichael, C., Yee, M., Coelho, S., Westbury, T., James, S. and Namoumou, F., 2020. Multiple mobilities in Pacific Islands communities. Forced Migration Review, (64). Link

    Trundle, A., 2021. Climate resilience through sociocultural mobility: Reframing the Pacific’s urban informal settlements as critical adaptation pathways. Development Bulletin, p.70. Link

    Trundle, A., 2020. Resilient cities in a Sea of Islands: Informality and climate change in the South Pacific. Cities, 97, p.102496. Link

    Yee, M., McNamara, K.E., Piggott-McKellar, A.E. and McMichael, C., 2022. The role of Vanua in climate-related voluntary immobility in Fiji. Frontiers in Climate, 4. Link