Oceania Institute
at the University of Melbourne
The Oceania Institute has been established to enhance connection and collaboration between the University of Melbourne and people and institutions throughout Oceania.
The Oceania Institute is so named to respect the custodianship that people of the Pacific have for their seas and islands. Australia borders this sea of islands and is responsible for some of its fundamental challenges.
The Institute seeks to create meaningful, reciprocal, and sustained partnerships with the region through a diverse portfolio of activities.
Our aims
Enhance collaboration by bringing together academics and graduate researchers from across faculties and showcasing Oceania-focussed research, teaching and engagement activities.
Support communities by creating a welcoming and supportive environment for people from Oceania who work and study at the University, and for Pasifika communities in Melbourne and Victoria.
Strengthen relationships by leveraging the University’s research capability and networks to better understand and address key challenges faced by people in Oceania.
Develop communities of mutual learning by connecting the University’s education and training programs with those of institutions in Oceania.
What do we do?
Our research: understanding the issues that matter in the Oceania region
We work with partners in the Oceania region to better understand and address key issues affecting the region and its people. Learn more about our key areas of research.
Building a welcoming and supportive community in Melbourne
We work to support Pasifika communities, in Australia and at the University of Melbourne, with a range of social and learning events for staff, students and the public.
Our people and partners
The Oceania Institute exists to enhance collaboration, support communities, strengthen relationships and develop communities of learning across the Oceania region. Meet the people committed to making that happen.
News and events
Images: Jon Barnett, Debra McDougall, Nick Thieberger