Seminar and Panel Series

Our monthly Seminar Series is a relaxed space to showcase the breadth of data-intensive research and projects across UoM. Our quarterly Panel Series focuses on interdisciplinary data-intensive research, and working with disruption in data science.

Join us in at upcoming event and connect with a community of data-intensive researchers, across Australia and internationally. Deep dive into different perspectives, join the conversation, and engage with research discovery, impact and innovation in this space.

Panel series

Exploring complexity in data preservation

This discussion brings together experts across a range of domains. It considers what the word 'preservation’ can mean with respect to keeping knowledge and data safe. The panel will explore why data preservation matters, and issues we need to consider when working in complex data ecosystems such as University institutions.

With Karen M Thompson, Dr Joanne Birch, Ailie Smith and Jared Winton.

Novel approaches to tackling complex data

As the volume of data collected for research continues to grow at a rapid pace, understanding and dealing with its complexity becomes crucial. Complexity looks different across disciplines and can emerge from working with big data, using new techniques and technologies, or combining multiple data sources.

With Dr Vanessa Ferdinand, Dr Pip Karoly, Zeb Nicholls and Professor Michael Kirley.

Seminar series

Models of Support for Digital HASS Researchers at UoM

Professor David Goodman, Director of the Digital Studio discusses plans for digital HASS research support in the Faculty of Arts Digital Studio and beyond, drawing in part from an on-going collaborative project and discussions with colleagues at the University of Toronto Critical Digital Humanities Initiative (CDHI).

Collaborating with AI in speculative enquiry

A space to think deeply about what collaborating with AI coupled with speculative thinking makes possible for digital research. Includes AI-assisted mini-making session using pulp-o-mizer. With Sarah Healy and Amanda Belton.

Digitisation of the built environment

We are seeing an unprecedented global move towards the digitisation of the built environment, driven by national and international urban digital twin initiatives. These initiatives aim to improve real-time and longer term strategic decision making, planning and investment. Significant progress has been made in the development of built environment digital twins. But, we need to address major challenges to realise their full potential.

With Stuart Barr.