Science and AI: Legal and Ethical Challenges

About the subject

Learning in this subject is based around the examination of a number of use-cases for AI in the sciences, including such applications as data analytics, modelling, scientific discoveries and therapeutic devices. After conversations covering preliminary material on AI, Ethics, Law and Human Rights, these use-cases will be employed as basis for investigating the issues with particularly relevant themes drawn from the broader thematic domains.

The subject is suitable for those with either science, quantitative, or legal backgrounds, with pre-class reading required both to promote the richest possible discussions during class contact time, and to address understanding of fundamental concepts for students of various backgrounds.

Availability and Enquiries

This subject is available to students of the Master of Laws (LLM) program. Enquiries about enrolling in this subject can be directed to Melbourne Law School.

Further Information

Further details about the subject, assessment, timetable and time commitment can be found in the handbook entry here.