Our commitments

Content warning:
This website includes information on sexual harassment and sexual assault and may be distressing for some people. For support, contact the Safer Community Program.

Our commitments to you

The University of Melbourne is committed to a safe, inclusive and respectful community.

If you have experienced or are experiencing any form of sexual assault or harassment, we need to know. We are here to listen to you, to help you, and to support you.

If you have experienced any behaviours that concern you, you can freely and confidentially report incidents, and access support, advice, information, and other specialist services.

We are here to support you.

Vice-Chancellor, Professor Duncan Maskell on Respect at the University of Melbourne.

Sexual Misconduct Annual Report

Each year, the University now prepares and publishes a Sexual Misconduct Annual Report.

This report reflects the University’s ongoing efforts to clearly communicate how we’re tackling the issue of sexual misconduct and the progress we’re making. The report also includes outcomes of investigations and consequences that offenders have faced.

Access the 2023 Sexual Misconduct Annual Report (PDF)

Access the 2022 Sexual Misconduct Annual Report (PDF)

Access the 2021 Sexual Misconduct Annual Report (PDF)


The University of Melbourne has implemented two forums to oversee its Respect Action Plans.

Respect at Melbourne Committee

The Respect at Melbourne Committee has been established to oversee and advise on the implementation of the Sexual Misconduct Prevention and Response Policy and its associated program of work, captured under the new Respect Action Plan.

The Respect Action Plan categorises the University’s Respect activities into primary prevention, early intervention, and response and recovery approaches. The Respect Committee oversees the implementation of this plan, and monitor progress of our work, and its longer-term impact, against this framework.

The Respect at Melbourne Committee is chaired by the Deputy Vice Chancellor (People and Community) and includes senior staff and student leaders from across the University, providing strategic oversight over all our activities and ensuring decision making and responsibility are shared.

The Respect at Melbourne Committee builds on the work of the Respect Taskforce, which developed the University’s first Respect Action Plan in 2017.

Respect at Melbourne Reference Group

This group provides a broad, inclusive and diverse consultative forum for faculties, University services, student organisations and affiliated colleges to provide input and feedback on the Respect Action Plan for eliminating sexual misconduct.

The Respect at Melbourne Reference Group is chaired by the Deputy Vice Chancellor (People and Community) who sits on the Respect at Melbourne Committee, to ensure a co-ordinated University-wide approach.

Respect Action Plan

The Respect Action Plan 2023-24 sets out the work the university has committed to undertake in relation to sexual misconduct prevention, early intervention and response, as endorsed by the Respect Committee.

Access the Respect Action Plan 2023-24 (PDF)

National Student Safety Survey

Provost Professor Nicola Phillips delivers a message to staff and students following the release of the 2021 National Student Safety Survey results.

Policies and principles

There are a number of policies and principles that all members of our University community.

Take action

Until 2024, coursework students were required to complete mandatory Consent Matters awareness training. This course will be replaced with a new e-Learning module, Preventing Sexual Misconduct, on 18 March 2024. Preventing Sexual Misconduct will be mandatory for all commencing undergraduate and postgraduate coursework students, and graduate researchers.

Preventing Sexual Misconduct provides practical information about:

  • sexual consent
  • tips for effective communication for safe and respectful relationships
  • the skills needed as an active bystander to safely intervene in situations where sexual harassment or assault may occur
  • support services at the University of Melbourne.

Respect education for staff

The Respect education program is a cornerstone of the University’s commitment to eliminating sexual misconduct from our community.

The comprehensive, University-wide Respect education program is a significant professional development program designed to build capability and confidence in all staff, equipping them with practical tools needed to call out and respond to issues of sexual harassment and assault in our community.

Given the importance of this issue, all staff will be expected to participate in the program, which is being delivered in three phases.

  • Phase 1

    Design, pilot and launch (August 2021 – March 2022)

    The Respect Education Program was designed and established as a leader-led program. Training was developed and workshops delivered to almost 1,000 professional staff, including the University’s Executive, most senior leaders, Professoriate, HR and other supporting specialists.

  • Phase 2

    Expand (July 2022 – August 2023)

    • Core training was designed for multiple cohorts (remaining senior leaders, supervisors, other full-time continuing and fixed-term staff, casual employees, and honorary title holders), based on level of responsibility.
    • Workshop delivery (online and face-to-face) commenced for senior leaders, supervisors and full-time continuing and fixed-term staff.
    • Three additional (optional) skills programs were also designed and made available via workshops to those who had completed the core training. These include awareness of trauma-informed approaches to disclosures and how to have courageous and respectful conversations about sexual misconduct.
  • Phase 3

    Embed and sustain (August 2023 – ongoing)

    This phase sees a range of local and University-wide embedding initiatives to ensure ongoing education and commitment for sustained cultural change. The initiatives include:

    • Launch Respect Education training for causal employees (completed Nov 2023)
    • Develop Respect Education Resource Repository for all staff, and a Toolkit to assist leaders to drive micro initiatives within their teams (completed November 2023)
    • Continue with training programs for new and existing staff (ongoing)
    • Launch of Respect Education training for Honorary title holders (2024)
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