Wage remediation program

The University of Melbourne is committed to paying all employees properly and in accordance with its legal obligations.

The University has undertaken an extensive program of work to remediate staff entitlements under its 2013 and 2018 enterprise agreements and to strengthen its systems and processes

Work continues on this review and the University is making further remediation payments as required.

The University apologises to any past or current employees who have not been paid correctly for work they performed.

If this affects you

Current and past employees will be contacted directly where a back payment is to be made as an outcome of the review. Anyone receiving a back payment will first receive an email from our external provider, Deloitte, from Unimelbreview@deloitte.com.au.

If you believe you may have been paid less than you were due for work you performed, we encourage you to register on our Secure Employee Portal. This portal has been established to facilitate secure exchange of all relevant details and to help co-ordinate all claims for remediation. Alternatively, please call 1800 497 036.


If you have any concerns or believe you may have been paid less than you were due for work you performed, please use the message function in the Secure Employee Portal or contact our dedicated Employee Contact Line on 1800 497 036. The Employee Contact Line is managed by Deloitte on behalf of the University. Individuals’ details are kept confidential.


Your confidentiality, privacy and personal information are of utmost importance to us and we are committed to ensuring that they are appropriately protected.

Personal information provided to the University via the portal or contact line will be used to assess the individual’s back-pay claim. You can read about how Deloitte collects and processes personal information under the ‘Collection Notice’ section of the Secure Employee Portal. Further information about how the University generally collects and processes personal information can be found in our Staff Privacy Statement.


  • I've received a text message/letter via registered post/email. Is this a scam?

    If you are due to receive a back payment, you will receive an email from our external provider, Deloitte, who are assisting with the coordination and administration of remediation payments. This email will invite you to register onto the Secure Employee Portal.

    The email will come from Unimelbreview@deloitte.com.au

    If this attempt is not successful or if we have no email address for you, we will try other means of communication, such as text message or mail.

    If you believe you have received a message that is a scam, do not respond to it and please advise us via the message function on the Secure Employee Portal or via the Employee Contact Line on 1800 497 036.

  • I’m a former employee. Will I get paid automatically? Do I need to register to get paid?

    If you are due to receive a back payment, you will receive an email from our external provider, Deloitte, who are assisting with coordination and administration of remediation payments. This email will invite you to register onto the Secure Employee Portal.

    We will initially contact you via the email address we have on our records.

  • As a former employee, I am being asked for a lot of information to register on the secure portal. Can I know how much my payment will be so I can decide if it is worth my time and effort?

    We are unable to advise you of your back payment amount until you complete the relevant verification process on the Secure Employee Portal. Protecting your personal information is of utmost importance to the University. It is important that we verify former employees’ credentials before we can disclose private information such as payment amounts.

    To enable payments to be made as promptly as possible, we encourage you to complete the registration process.

  • How are back payments taxed?

    Lump sum back payments, such as the remediation payments, may be taxed and reported differently to an employee's normal salary and wage income, depending on the amount of the payment and the period to which it relates. Lump sum payments are included as assessable income in an employee's tax return in the income year in which they receive the payment, which means that employees need not amend previous years' tax returns.

    The University will also be required to withhold PAYG amounts from the payments. These amounts will be paid to the ATO and should be available as a credit when the employee lodges their tax return.

    Depending on their circumstances, and to ensure that they do not over pay tax, affected employees may be eligible for a tax offset with respect to the remediation payments. This may apply if the remediation payment is 10% or more of the employee's normal taxable income for the current year, after deducting the total remediation payment (and certain other amounts) and if the payment relates to a period more than 12 months prior to payment. The tax offset seeks to ensure that employees are taxed in a way that approximates the position that would have applied had the employee been paid when the amounts were due.

    The University will provide a 'lump sum E' letter to employees after the end of the financial year (ie after 30 June 2023) that sets out the financial years over which the payment amounts accrued and the gross amount that accrued in each financial year. Impacted employees will need to input this information when preparing their tax returns, and their eligibility for the offset will be calculated automatically.

    More information about lump sum payments in arrears is available on the ATO website. Additional FAQs on taxation are available under ‘Resources’ on the Secure Employee Portal.

  • What does casual minimum engagement mean?

    Casual minimum engagement entitlements apply a minimum period of hours (between one to three hours) per occasion of employment depending on the individual employee’s circumstances as outlined in the University's Enterprise Agreement.

    The 2013 and 2018 enterprise agreements provide details of the casual minimum engagement periods.

    Essentially, where less than the applicable minimum period has been entered on any day, we have topped up the payment to meet the casual minimum engagement period.