SafeZone mobile app

SafeZone logo As part of the University’s commitment to personal safety, staff and students can download a free mobile phone application called ‘SafeZone’ from Apple’s App Store or the Google Play Store.

In the event of an emergency, the app allows you to quickly share your location and details with the University Security team who will be able to get the right assistance to you.


A screenshot of the SafeZone app showing the various icons such as wellbeing assistance, first aid and emergency. SafeZone can be used whenever you are at a University of Melbourne location, including regional and metropolitan campuses, affiliated hospitals, and residential colleges. When travelling for work or study, you can use SafeZone to contact local emergency services.

The app:

  • Can notify you of serious incidents in real-time using push notifications, SMS or email
  • Has a check-in feature to allow you to share your location with University Security if you're working alone or feeling vulnerable
  • Has a check-in timer that automatically sends an alert to Security if you don't extend or cancel it
  • Provides a direct link to call or text the University's mental health crisis support service by tapping the "Wellbeing Assistance" icon
  • Allows users to report vandalism by tapping the "Vandalism" icon.

Get the Android app Get the iPhone app

For detailed instructions on installing and signing into Safezone, follow the step-by-step guides below:

Visit the SafeZone website to find out more about downloading and using the app.

Need assistance using SafeZone?


Contact the Service Centre or call (03) 8344 0888.


Contact Student IT or call 13 MELB (13 6352).


  • On raising an alert via the SafeZone app, Security will call you for more information, or you can call or message them from within the app. Security will be able to coordinate a response and rapidly provide the most appropriate resources.

  • You can use the SafeZone app at all University locations in metropolitan Melbourne and regional Victoria. Metropolitan campuses include Burnley, Fisherman’s Bend, Hawthorn, Parkville, Southbank, and Werribee as well as affiliated hospitals and residential colleges and accommodation.

    Regional locations include Ballarat, Creswick, Dookie, Shepparton, and Wangaratta. You can view the full list of locations by tapping the SafeZone app menu at the top left of the screen, then tapping regions.

  • If you are outside the SafeZone boundary when you activate an alert, the app will offer a one-tap call to local emergency services instead.

  • If you accidentally press any SafeZone call button, you can cancel the alert by tapping the button again while the “circle” timer is winding down. After the alert has been sent, you can cancel your request, but you will still be contacted by Security to make sure that you are okay.

  • You do not need to be checked-in for SafeZone to work. Checking in is used if you wish to share your presence with the response team or are required to check-in for workplace safety reasons. Even if you have completed your registration for SafeZone, you may never need to check-in on the app

    Situations where you may need to be checked in include (but are not limited to):

    • Working alone or after-hours.
    • During a serious incident on campus (such as building evacuations and lockdowns)
    • Working in high-risk areas (such as chemical labs, construction zones).
  • There is no need to sign out of the app. SafeZone will remain running in the background so that you are able to raise alerts or receive notifications from the University’s security response team.

  • If you are an existing user, simply download and install SafeZone and tap the icon to start the app. Sign in with your University of Melbourne email address and password.

  • It is critical to keep your contact details up to date so that in the event of an emergency the Security team can easily identify and contact you. Staff can update their details in Themis and students via StudentOne.

  • The current version of the SafeZone app is compatible with Apple iPhone and iPad (available from Apple iTunes Store) and Android Smartphones with at least Version 2.2 of the Android Operating System (available from Google). Be sure to have location services and Wi-Fi enabled to allow the app to work most effectively.

  • As part of the app download process, you will be asked to agree to the SafeZone End User Licence Agreement. You will also be asked to provide your University of Melbourne email address, your name, and a password. Additionally, you may optionally provide other information and a face photo. The University encourages all users to upload a face photo as this helps our Security officer to identify you when responding to your alert. This is not a mandatory requirement.

    Your location is only shared when you either check in or raise an alert (emergency, first aid or help), use the Check-in or Check-in Timer features, or submit a tip-report that includes the location. All information provided by users of SafeZone is held in a high security data centre and all data transmissions are encrypted. All information you provide as a SafeZone user is protected by Privacy Laws.

    SafeZone’s privacy policy is located within the app by tapping on the menu button and tapping on Privacy Policy or on the CriticalArc website.

  • SafeZone has a number of features designed to optimize battery usage. Motion and activity detection limits the amount of location polling which is carried out (if allowed in your device’s permissions).

    Also, remember to move SafeZone to the background once checked-in or when not being used by tapping on the device’s home button.

Visit the SafeZone website for more frequently asked questions.