Reports and more
Reports 2024
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Report 2022
Reports 2019-2021
Student Energy & Melbourne Centre for Cities, University of Melbourne (2021). Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy Youth Policy Innovation Team: Process Outcomes and Recommendations for Global Regions. [Online resource]
Hadfield, P., Oke, C., & Verbeeck, J. (2021). Regional Research and Innovation for City Climate Action: Global Synthesis Report. Connected Cities Lab, University of Melbourne. [Online resource]
Lynch, A., Oke, C., & Leavesley, A. (2021). State of play: Local governments and city networks accelerating climate action in Australia. ICLEI Oceania.
Dickey, A. (ed.), Oke, C. (ed.) (2021). COP26 Insights from the Innovate4Cities Conference 2021: Student-Led Briefing Report. Melbourne Centre for Cities, University of Melbourne. [Online resource].
Dickey, A. (ed.), Oke, C. (ed.) (2021). Innovate4Cities Conference 2021: Student-Led Final Report. Melbourne Centre for Cities, University of Melbourne. [Online resource].
Dickey, A., Hadfield, P., Oke, C., Verbeeck, J. (2021). Opportunities for coordinating multi-level climate action: an analysis of city climate action and national urban engagement. Melbourne Centre for Cities, University of Melbourne. [Online resource].
Fattah, K., Marathe, R., Butcher, S., & Das, J. (2021). Evidence to Action Dialogue Series: Young Peoples’ Wellbeing in Southern Cities. University of Melbourne. [Online resource].
Acuto, M. Larcom, S. Rauch, & F. Willems, T. (2021). Covid-19 forced us all to experiment. What have we learned?. IEEE Spectrum.
Butcher, S. CociƱa, C. Levy, C. & Yap, C. (2021). Localising the SDGs: A Call for Urban Equality as a Guiding Principle. Urbanet.
Butcher, S., Das, J., Dam, J., Fattah, K., & Hausmann, S. (2021). Evidence to Action (E2A) Framework: A Participatory Approach to Action Learning (Summary Guide). University of Melbourne. [Online resource].
Butcher, S., Das, J., Dam, J., Fattah, K., & Hausmann, S. (2021). Evidence to Action (E2A) Framework: A Participatory Approach to Action Learning. Connected Cities Lab, University of Melbourne. [Online resource].
Dickey, A., Acuto, M., Washbourne, C (2021). Urban Observatories: A Comparative Review. Connected Cities Lab, University of Melbourne: Melbourne.
Dickey, A., Kosovac, A., Acuto, A., & Gleeson, B. (2020). Benchmarking Urban Exchanges: Lessons for Melbourne. Connected Cities Lab, University of Melbourne: Melbourne. [Online Resource].
Dickey, A., Acuto, M., & Washbourne, C. (2020). Urban Observatories in the Midst of COVID-19: Challenges & Responses. Connected Cities Lab, University of Melbourne: Melbourne. [Online Resource].
Acuto, M. (2020). From Crisis to crisis? Melbourne in the midst of COVID-19, in Abdullah, H., & Fernandez de Lozada, A. Cities on the Frontline. Barcelona: CIDOB.
Acuto, M. (2020). Whatever happened to urban governance?. Dialogues in Human Geography.
Connected Cities Lab Annual Report 2019
Lu, Y., Mateo-Babiano, I., & Sorupia, E. (2019). Who uses smart card? Understanding public transport payment preference in developing contexts, a case study of Manila’s LRT-1. IATSS research, 43(1), 60-68.
Butcher, S., Nolan, E., & Davidson, K. (2019). Academic Literature Review of Resilient Communities. Working paper for Resilient Melbourne Office.