Graduation: Dr Farzad Alamdara

Congratulations to Dr Farzad Alamdara on receiving his Doctorate degree on Tuesday the 10th of April at the University of Melbourne.

Research Title: Supporting Disaster Management Utilising Multi-Agency Sensor Information
Supervisors: Dr. Mohsen Kalantari & Prof. Abbas Rajabifard

During his PhD, Farzad was involved in a multi- national Geospatial project to support Incident Management Information Sharing (IMIS) using Internet of Things (IoT), in conjunction with the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC). The focus of his work in the OGC IMIS IoT pilot was the development of OGC Web Processing Services (WPS) for real-time processing of sensor data to serve incident management tasks.His research has led to several peer-reviewed journal and conference publications.

Farzad is a GIS specialist, geospatial web service developer, and Internet of Things (IoT) researcher.

Currently, Farzad is working as a senior GIS data analyst in the IoT company; ‘Intelliscape‘ and he is expanding his knowledge and experience in the IoT industry.