CAIDE Publications


Journal Articles

Han B, Nawaz S, Buchanan G, et al. (2023) Ethical and Pedagogical Impacts of AI in Education. International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education. Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland, 2023: 667-673.

Han B, Buchanan G, Mckay D. (2023) Learning in the Panopticon: Examining the Potential Impacts of AI Monitoring on Students. Proceedings of the 34th Australian Conference on Human-Computer Interaction. 2022: 9-21. [Best Paper Award]

Coghlan, S., & Quinn, T. (2023) Ethics of using artificial intelligence (AI) in veterinary medicine. AI & Soc.

Paterson, J. M. (2023). Making robo-advisers careful? Duties of care in providing automated financial advice to consumers. Law and Financial Markets Review, 1–18.

Paterson, J., M., & Bant, E. (2023) Automated Mistakes: Vitiated Consent and State of Mind Culpability in Algorithmic Contracting. The Culpable Corporate Mind, edited by Bant, E., 1 ed., Bloomsbury Publishing, pp. 255-272. DOI: 10.5040/

Lyons, H., Miller, T., & Velloso, E. (2023). Desire for Control, and the Preference for Human Review over Algorithmic Review. Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency, Chicago.

Miller, T. (2023). Explainable AI is Dead, Long Live Explainable AI! Hypothesis-driven decision support.

Alshehri, A., Miller, T., & Vered, M. (2023). Explainable Goal Recognition: A Framework Based on Weight of Evidence. International Conference on Automation Planning and Scheduling.

Coghlan, S., Parker, C. (2023) Harm to Nonhuman Animals from AI: a Systematic Account and Framework. Philos. Technol. 36, 25.

Mavoa, J., Coghlan, S., & Nansen, B. (2023). “It’s About Safety Not Snooping”: Parental Attitudes to Child Tracking Technologies and Geolocation Data. Surveillance & Society, 21(1), 45–60.

Burrows, R., Mendoza, A., Pedell, S., Sterling, L., Miller, T., & Lopez-Lorca, A. (2023). Technology for societal change: Evaluating a mobile app addressing the emotional needs of people experiencing homelessness. Health Informatics Journal.

Conference Proceedings

Paterson, J. M. (2023, May 4). Misleading Conduct, Soft Law and New Technologies [Presentation]. Supreme Court of Victoria.

Paterson, J. M. (2023, April). Digital Assets, Consumer Protection and the Central Role of Contract in the Metaverse [Seminar]. ADM+S.

Cheong, M., Wildenauer, M., & Bush, G. (2023, April 28). Lost in the Crowd, Ethical Concerns in Crowdsourced Evaluation and Testing of LLMs [Conference Presentation].

Rosenstock, S. (2023, April 28). A House of Cards for Language Model Transparency [Conference Presentation].

McIntosh, M., & Martin, B. (2023, April 28). More of the same: Rendering of self in LLM writing and feedback processes [Conference Presentation].

Le, T. (2023, February 28). Explaining Model Confidence Using Counterfactuals [Conference Presentation]. AAAI Conference.


Journal Articles

Bosua, R., Cheong, M., Clark, K., Clifford, D., Coghlan, S., Culnane, C., Leins, K., & Richards, M. (2022). Using public data to measure diversity in computer science research communities: A critical data governance perspective. Computer Law & Security Review, 44.

Capurro, D., Coghlan, S., Douglas, E., & Pires, V. (2022). Preventing Digital Overdiagnosis. JAMA.

Cheong, M. (2022). Ethical Dilemmas for @Celebrities. Ethical Perspectives, 29(1), 139-166.

Coghlan, S. (2022). The role of ethical reflection and dialogue in conceptualising animal welfare. Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics35(3).

Ferreira, M., Cheong, M., Klein, C., & Alfano, M. (2022). A tragic coalition of the rational and irrational: A threat to collective responses to COVID-19. Taylor & Francis Online, (Philosophical Psychology).

Klein, C., Reimann, R., Ojea Quintana, I., Cheong, M., Ferreira, M., & Alfano, M. (2022). Attention and counter-framing in the Black Lives Matter movement on Twitter. Humanities & Social Sciences Communications, 9.

Muise, C., Belle, V., Felli, P., McIlraith, S., Miller, T., Pearce, A., & Sonenberg, L. (2022). Efficient multi-agent epistemic planning: Teaching planners about nested belief. Artificial Intelligence, 302.

Osborne, M., Glasser, S., & Loveridge, B. (2022). ‘It’s not so scary anymore. It’s actually exhilarating’: A proof-of-concept study using virtual reality technology for music performance training under pressure. ASCILITE Publications.

Paterson, J., & Paterson, I., (2022). Australia. In Busch, D., Gortsos, C & McMeel, G., (Eds), Liability of Financial Supervisors and Resolution Authorities. Oxford University Press.

Paterson, J., & Maker, Y. (2022). AI in the Home: Artificial Intelligence and Consumer Protection. To be Published in: Ernest Lim and Phillip Morgan (eds), (The Cambridge Handbook of Private Law and Artificial Intelligence (Cambridge University Press, Forthcoming).

Webber, S., Cobb, M. L., & Coe, J. (2022). Welfare Through Competence: A Framework for Animal-Centric Technology Design. Frontiers in Veterinary Science9.

Conference Proceedings

Bahl, R. (2022, December 20). Transnational Misinformation Experiences Amongst Migrants [Conference Presentation]. ACIS.

Peart, H. (2022, December 20). Strengthening Connection for People with Intellectual Disability in Emergencies: Social Media and Access to Essential Information. [Conference Presentation]. ACIS.

Tan, V. (2022, December 15). Consumer Online Dispute Resolution [Conference Presentation]. Australia New Zealand Roundtable.

Abedi, F., Zeleznikow, J., & Esteban De La Rosa, F. (2022, December 14). Benefits and Challenges of Using Artificial Intelligence in Online Dispute Resolution [Conference Presentation].

Cheong, M. (2022, November 10). Social Media Harms as a Trilemma: Asymmetry, Algorithms, and Audacious Design Choices [Conference Presentation]. IEEE ISTAS 2022.

Njoto, S., Cheong, M., Lederman, R., McLoughney, A., Ruppanner, L., & Wirth, A. (2022, November 10). Gender Bias in AI Recruitment Systems: A Sociological- and Data Science-based Case Study [Conference Presentation]. IEEE ISTAS 2022.

Coghlan, S., et al., (2022, September 15). Swipe a Screen or Say the Word: Older Adults' Preferences for Information-seeking with Touchscreen and Voice-User Interfaces [Conference Presentation]. OzCHI '21: Proceedings of the 33rd Australian Conference on Human-Computer Interaction.

Sheldrick, S., Chang, S., & McKay, D. (2022, July 5). "The Road to (Gundag)AI”: Investigating the Impact of AI on Regional and Remote SMEs [Conference Presentation]. Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems.

Cohney, S., Burgess, B., Ginsberg, A., & Felten, E. (2022, August 5). Watching the Watchers: Bias and vulnerability in remote proctoring software [Conference Presentation]. Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems.

Klein, C., Cheong, M., Ferreira, M., Sullivan E., & Alfano, M., (2022). The wisdom-of-crowds: an efficient, philosophically-validated, social epistemological network profiling toolkit. In Cherifi, H., Nunzio Mantegna, R., Rocha, L., Cherifi, C., & Micciche, S., (Eds.) [Conference Presentation]. Complex Networks & Their Applications XI: Proceedings of The Eleventh International Conference on Complex Networks and their Applications: COMPLEX NETWORKS 2022 - Volume 1. Springer.

Yuan, S., Coghlan, S., Lederman, R., & Waycott, J. (2022). Social Robots in Aged Care: Care Staff Experiences and Perspectives on Robot Benefits and Challenges. [Conference Presentation]. Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction6(CSCW2), 1–23.

Creative Publications

Bush, G. (2022). Providing a Unique and Poetic Portrayal of Life at CAIDE. Bowen Street Press.

Weiland, W., Bush, G., Lim, M. and Mikho, M. (2022). Scrape Elegy. Science Gallery, Melbourne.


Journal Articles

Coghlan, S., & D'Alfonso, S. (2021). Digital Phenotyping: An Epistemic and Methodological Analysis. Philosophy & Technology, 34.

Coghlan, S., Waycott, J., Lazar, A., & Barbosa, B. (2021). Dignity, Autonomy, and Style of Company: Dimensions Older Adults Consider for Robot Companions. Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, 5.

Coghlan, S. (2021). Robots and the Possibility of Humanistic Care. International Journal of Social Robotics.

Coghlan, S., Miller, T., Paterson, J., & Barbosa, B. (2021). Good Proctor or "Big Brother"? Ethics of Online Exam Supervision Technologies. Philosophy and Technology.

Coghlan, S., Webber, S., & Carter, M. (2021). Improving ethical attitudes to animals with digital technologies: the case of apes and zoos. Ethics and Information Technology.

Miller, T. (2021). Contrastive explanation: a structural-model approach. Knowledge Engineering Review, 36.

Paterson, J., Bush, G. & Miller, T. (2021). Transparency to contest differential pricing. Computer and Law: Journal for the Australian and New Zealand Societies for Computers and the Law.  93(49.)

Paterson, J., Chang, S., Cheong, M., Culnane, C., Dreyfus, S. & McKay, D. (2021). The hidden harms of targeted advertising by algorithm and interventions from the consumer protection toolkit. International Journal on Consumer Law and Practice, 9, 1-24.

Paterson, J., Bant E., & Cooney H., (2021). Australian Competition and Consumer Commission v Google: Deterring Misleading Conduct in Digital Privacy Policies. Communications Law - Journal of Computer, Media and Telecommunications Law, 26, 136-148.

Quinn, T. P., Senadeera, M., Jacobs, S., Coghlan, S., & Le, V., (2021). Trust and medical AI: the challenges we face and the expertise needed to overcome them. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, 28(4), 890-894.

Quinn, T. P., Jacobs, S., Senadeera, M., Le, V., & Coghlan, S., (2021). The Three Ghosts of Medical AI: Can the Black-Box Present Deliver? Artificial Intelligence in Medicine.

Conference Papers

Jacovi, A., Marasovic, A., Miller, T., & Goldberg, Y. (2021, March 5). Formalizing Trust in Artificial Intelligence: Prerequisites, Causes and Goals of Human Trust in AI [Conference Presentation]. ACM.

Cheong, M., Leins, K., & Coghlan, S. (2021, March 5). Computer Science Communities: Who is Speaking, and Who is Listening to the Women? Using an Ethics of Care to Promote Diverse Voices. [Conference Presentation]. ACM.

Lyons, H.; Velloso, E.; and Miller, T. (2021, October 23). Conceptualising Contestability: Perspectives on Contesting Algorithmic Decisions. [Conference Presentation]. CSCW.

Singh, R., Ehsan, U., Cheong, M., Riedl, M., & Miller, T. (2021, March 5). LEx: A Framework for Operationalising Layers of AI Explanations. [Conference Presentation]. CHI 2021.


Journal Articles

Clifford, D., & Paterson, J. (2020). Consumer privacy and consent: Reform in the light of contract and consumer protection law. Australian Law Journal, 94(10), 741–751.

Coghlan, S., & Leins, K., (2020). "Living Robots": Ethical Questions About Xenobots. The American Journal of Bioethics, 20(5), W1-W3.

Coghlan, S., & Sparrow, L., (2020). ‘The “digital animal intuition:” the ethics of violence against animals in video games. Ethics and Information Technology, 23, 215-224.

Coghlan, S., Cheong, M., & Coghlan, B., (2020). Tracking, tracing, trust: contemplating mitigating the impact of COVID19 through technological interventions. Medical Journal of Australia, 213(6).

Culnane, C., & Leins, K., (2020). Misconceptions in Privacy Protection and Regulation. Law in Context, 36(2).

Leins, K., Culnane, C., & Rubinstein, B., (2020). Tracking Tracing and Trust: Contemplating Mitigating the Impact of COVID-19 through Technological Interventions. Medical Journal of Australia, 213(1). doi: 10.5694/mja2.50669

Leins, K., Jey, H., & Baldwin, T., (2020). Give me Convenience and Give Her Death: Who Should Decide What Uses of NLP are Appropriate and on What Basis? Association for Computational Linguistics, 58th Annual Meeting of the Association of Computational Linguistics, 2908-2913.

Lodders, A., & Paterson, J., (2020). Scrutinising COVIDSafe: Frameworks for evaluating digital contact tracing technologies. Alternative Law Journal, 45(3), 153.

Paterson, J., & Bant, E., (2020). Mortgage Broking, Regulatory Failure and Statutory Design. Journal of Banking and Finance Law and Practice, 31(7), 7-21.

Paterson, J., & Bant, E., (2020). Should Australia Introduce a Prohibition on Unfair Trading? Responding to Exploitative Business Systems in Person and Online. Journal of Consumer Policy. 44, 1-19.

Payrovnaziri, S., Chen, Z., Rengifo-Moreno, P., Miller, T., Bian, J., Chen, J., Liu, X., & He, Z., (2020). Explainable artificial intelligence models using real-world electronic health record data: a systematic scoping review. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, 27(7), 1173.

Quinn, T. P., Senadeera, M., Jacobs, S., Coghlan, S., & Le, V. (2020). Trust and medical AI: the challenges we face and the expertise needed to overcome them. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association.

Reddy, S., Allan, S., Coghlan, S., & Cooper, P. (2020). A governance model for the application of AI in health care. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, 27(3), 491-497.

Taylor, M., & Paterson, J. (2020). Protecting Privacy in India: The roles of consent and fairness in data protection. Indian Journal of Law and Technology, 16(1), 71-102.

Vered, M, Howe, P, Miller, T, Sonenberg, L, & Vellosa, E, (2020). Demand-Driven Transparency For Monitoring Intelligent Agents.  IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems, 50(3), 264.

Conference Papers

Lederman, R., D'Alfonso, S., Rice, S., Coghlan, S., Wadley, G., & Alvarez-Jimenez, M. (2020). Ethical issues in online health interventions. [Conference Presentation]. European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS).

Leins, K., Jey, H. L., & Baldwin, T., (2020). Give me Convenience and Giver Her Death: Who Should Decide What Uses of NLP are Appropriate and on What Basis? [Conference Presentation]. 58th Annual Meeting of the Association of Computational Linguistics.

Lodders, A., & Paterson, J., (2020, October 27). Opt-in didn’t work for digital contact tracing in Australia, but does that justify an ‘opt-out’ approach? Not yet – at least in Australia. [Conference Presentation]. Privacy & Pandemics: Responsible Uses of Technology and Health Data During Times of Crisis — An International Tech and Data Conference.

Madumal, P., Miller, T., Sonenberg, L., & Vetere, F., (2020). Explainable Reinforcement Learning Through a Causal Lens. [Conference Presentation]. Proceedings of the 34th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2020.