Standing by our vulnerable students

When the pandemic hit in 2020 the world changed.

Many vulnerable students suffered even greater financial hardship. But our generous donor community stood by them, providing the crucial financial support, comfort and security necessary to ensure bright and talented minds could continue to flourish.

From emergency grants to cover the costs of critical study materials, healthcare, food and rent, to ongoing scholarships, your generosity has empowered so many. Thanks to donors whose philanthropy funds scholarships year after year, talented students like Anita and Luke were well supported in an incredibly difficult year, both emotionally and financially.

Thank you for providing a lifeline to students like Anita and Luke when they needed it the most, so they could forge ahead in times of uncertainty.

Anita Zhang, Bachelor of Music student and Melbourne Access Scholarship recipient

Your generosity is helping many of us who may be going through an emotionally difficult time when ends don’t meet and we need to purchase something vital for our studies that we simply cannot afford.

Luke Tieri, Bachelor of Design student and Melbourne Access Scholarship recipient

For my circumstances and for my family, if I didn’t have a scholarship, things would be very different.

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