RichardRichard Proudlove - Master of Environment

Choosing to study at the University of Melbourne was a no-brainer for Richard Proudlove.

“Once I discovered the Master of Environment and spoke to staff from the Office of Environmental Programs, I was extremely impressed with the quality of the course and its content, so there was really nothing else I wanted to pursue.”

Now a graduate, there is a lot about the University that Richard is going to miss.

“My favourite memory is the experience of being within a centre of excellence for climate mitigation and adaptation — a sense that I was immersed in a place of global significance in dealing with environmental challenges and that I was being taught by internationally respected experts within this field.” Richard said.

During my two years of study there was a pervasive sense of opportunity and a feeling that I was taking a giant step forward in my chosen area of interest.

Richard also appreciated the “incredibly diverse” student body, in terms of study disciplines and countries of origin. “It is fantastic that the Master of Environment attracts high calibre individuals from all over the world. I made some wonderful new friends and hopefully useful contacts,” Richard said.

While studying, Richard undertook a research project which required him to engage with a community in Queensland who are interested in constructing a community-funded renewable energy generation project. “It was great to assist in this since it gave me an opportunity to make practical use of what I had studied and gave a human context to my field of interest.”

Despite all of these positive components, like any student Richard faced challenges while undertaking his postgraduate degree.

“Although I loved every minute of my studies, I initially underestimated the investment of time and effort that would be required. I dealt with this by being organised, eating and sleeping well and trying to remember to make time for my family."

And at Melbourne, he was never without support.

“The University provides an impressive range of services and resources to help students rapidly attain the expected academic skills.” Richard also praised his fellow students and the academics and supervisors for being a “fantastic source of support.”

To current and future students, Richard recommends communicating regularly with staff and to make the most of the “invaluable” Academic Skills services. His final tip? “Pace yourself— it is very easy to start each semester at a sprint and then burn out with half the semester still to complete”.

Congratulations Richard and welcome to the alumni community!

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