
Pros and Cons for users

  • Pro: For the most part, users who have difficulty perceiving odours will have little difficultly interacting with virtual environments
  • Pro: Many olfactory cues, such as the smell of a burning pot in a cooking activity, can be represented visually, e.g. smoke coming from a pot
  • Con: Smell is likely to be an important part of Immersive Virtual Reality (IVR)
Shoppers handing fruit at a farmers market
Smell is likely to be an important part of Immersive Virtual Reality. Image by Pabak Sarkar

Olfactory Interface

Examples of Olfactory Cues 1
Smell of the Sea Fruit smell N/A Rosemary indicating color

Olfactory Use Cases

  • As a user who cannot who has difficulty perceiving odours, I need a visual equivalents, so I can perceive olfactory events.


Next : Older Users